
Nick Wolf's Deformer Loader

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Nick Wolf's Deformer Loader


A simple tool that helps you reuse currently existing deformers and append them to new geometries with just a couple clicks!

This is a WIP, what currently works greatly: Nonlinear Deformers, Sculpt Deformers.

Manual things to take into consideration:

-> Softmod has to be manually configured: under "Extra Attributes", "Falloff around selection" has to be turned off. When "Loading Geometries" you can also select components (such as vertices, faces, etc) and apply the deformer to them.

->Clusters: To use the same cluster existing for other geos, you have to first select components (or the entire geometry if you want) then load them as "Geos", then apply the deformers.

Tested within Maya 2023-2024


Copy and paste both scripts to the following path:

C:\Users\User Name\Documents\maya\Maya Version\scripts

Edit userSetup.mel file (with notepad, if it doesn't exist, create it or use the one i've provided (edit the route in it though)) and add the following lines (check the path below, you have to replace "User Name Here" with your own User Name, and "Maya Version Here" has to be replaced with your Maya Version):

string $scriptPath = "C:/Users/User Name Here/Documents/maya/Maya Version Here/scripts/NwolfMenu.py";

python("exec(open(r'" + $scriptPath + "').read())");


string $scriptPath = "C:/Users/Nick Wolf/Documents/maya/2023/scripts/NwolfMenu.py";

python("exec(open(r'" + $scriptPath + "').read())");

Save userSetup.mel with the added lines.

Open Maya.


I want this!

Nick Wolf's Deformer Loader for Maya!

26.7 MB
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